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Church & Ministry Consulting Services.

Churches and ministry leaders face a myriad of issues that are sometimes difficult to identify. Churches can be complex, intricate, multifaceted organizations that require pastors and church experts to fully understand. Here is a list of functions of a church or ministry with specific areas where problems may exist or where the expertise of Ministry Partners Consulting Group might help.

Management and Administration

  • Organizational Structures
  • Values clarification and integration
  • Mission/Vision clarification and integration
  • Change planning and implementation
  • Strategic planning and execution
  • Organizational alignment

Personnel and Staffing

  • Staffing issues
  • Personnel Audits
  • Hiring and placement services
  • Human Resources
  • Benefit packages and plans
  • Retirement services

Marketing for your Ministry

  • Knowing your target
  • Creating an image/branding
  • Using print media and direct mail
  • Radio and TV
  • Tracking your marketing

Nonprofit Organizations

  • Management
  • Governance: boards and committees
  • Donor development
  • Identifying sources of grants and grant writing
  • Volunteers and staffing

Financial Problems

  • Fundraising
  • Accounting
  • Salary Administration plans

Leadership and Team Development

  • Team alignment
  • Addressing team dysfunction
  • Leadership styles assessment
  • Team Performance
  • Succession planning
  • Leadership strategies
  • Transition consulting